Thursday, December 28, 2023

When did Astrology Begin?

When did Astrology Begin? 

When did Astrology Begin?

Astrology's Origin : A Trip Through Time




With a rich and ancient history spanning thousands of years, astrology is the study of the locations of celestial bodies and its possible impact on human affairs and natural phenomena. Astrology has strong roots in the ancient cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China. This article explores the origins and development of astrology over time, taking the reader on a fascinating trip.


Mesopotamian Inception


One common belief is that astrology originated in Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization. The earliest known astrological system was created by the Sumerians in 2000 BCE, who connected celestial events to terrestrial happenings. The early observations were enhanced by the Babylonians, who were the inheritors of Sumerian knowledge. They constructed the zodiac, which divided the sky into twelve divisions, each of which was linked to a particular constellation.


Astrology was principally employed by the Babylonians to forecast heavenly occurrences, such eclipses, and their possible effects on civilization. The Babylonians laid the groundwork for modern astrological theories when they began to correlate their observations of cosmic patterns with human destinies.


Contributions from Egypt


In ancient Egypt, astrology and astronomy were closely related at the same time. The way the Egyptian pyramids line up with the positions of celestial bodies is evidence of their reverence for the stars. Ancient Egyptian customs are the source of the idea known as "natal astrology," which connects a person's personality and fate to the positions of celestial bodies at the moment of their birth.


The magnificent bas-relief known as the Dendera Zodiac, which is housed in the Temple of Hathor, offers insight into the Egyptian interpretation of astrological symbols and their meaning. Although the Egyptian and Mesopotamian approaches to astrology were different, both societies made substantial contributions to the growth of astrological knowledge.


Astrology in India: Jyotisha


Astrology developed into a sophisticated system in India called Jyotisha. There are references to heavenly bodies and their effects on human life in the Vedas, ancient Indian literature that date back to approximately 1500 BCE. According to Jyotisha, the zodiac is divided into lunar mansions called Nakshatras, and each is linked to particular attributes and forces.


Indian astrology is based on the ideas of karma and reincarnation, which shape the notion that one's previous acts determine their current fate. Indian astrologers examine a person's birth chart, or Kundali, to determine their life path, character, and possible obstacles based on the positions of the planets.


Chinese Astrology: The Earthly Branches and Celestial Stems


With a rich astrological legacy spanning more than two millennia, China is no exception. Chinese astrology is centred on the ideas of Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, and the twelve animal signs. It is closely related to the Lunar calendar. A 60-year cycle is created by the union of the Celestial Stems and Earthly Branches, with each year being linked to a distinct animal and element.


Chinese astrology not only provides personal guidance but also weighs heavily in big decision-making processes, like selecting lucky dates for weddings and other noteworthy occasions. It illustrates how earthly existence and celestial powers are intertwined in Chinese philosophy.


In summary


The origins of astrology can be found far back in human history, woven across the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China. Despite the differences amongst these traditions, they are still based on the idea of studying cosmic events to unravel the secrets of life. Astrology has changed, developed, and added new perspectives over the ages, but it has remained an intriguing and enduring part of human curiosity about the universe and how it might affect our lives.


When did Astrology Begin?


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